This is a deep cleansing toothpaste with intensive refresh for mouth-gums. This intensive and powerful toothpaste is infused with natural and safe ingredients. Free from peroxide, Dye, SLS , Paraben, Triclosan, preservative , and gluten. no artificial sweeteners and no artificial flavors. Recommend for anyone who is uneasy even after brushing their teeth, anyone who requires home care following dental procedures, anyone who is concerned about tooth staining as a result of smoking and coffee consumption, anyone who suffers from gum disease on a regular basis, or anyone concerned about the next day's dryness and odour after drinking.
How To Use
Smear a pea-sized dab of toothpaste over every region of your mouth for 3 minutes with a dry toothbrush. Rinse your mouth 710 times after brushing to remove all of the microorganisms that came off your teeth during brushing. When you rinse your mouth for the first time, hold the water in your mouth for 5 seconds.